Python from Zero

Zu sehen sind zwei Hände auf einer Laptoptastatur.

No prior knowledge in any programming language is required. Therefore it should be suitable for participants of any discipline with no coding experience.
The participants of this course will become familiar with the foundations of coding/programming by the example of the popular programming language Python using Jupyter Notebooks. A Jupyter notebook is an interactive Python environment.

Participants will be introduced during four sessions of 4 h each to
• basic data types, variables and operators: int/float, strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries
• control flow structures: for/while loops, if/elif/else statements, switch
• code structures: functions, loading and usage of modules
• running code from the command-line: handling of command-line arguments
• first application examples of data handling and visualization

You need an account at University of Greifswald.
The course will be in English.

Instructor: Lars Gabriel,
Dates: 11.-13.9.2024 9-16:00
Location: RTK, Wollweberstraße 1
Available seats: 30

Please use the graduate academy website for course registration.

Graduiertenakademie der Universität Greifswald
Domstraße 11, Eingang 4, Raum 3.24, 17489 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 1618



  • Graduiertenakademie der Universität Greifswald


  • Rechentechnisches Kabinett (RTK)

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