Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society

The cluster "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society" promotes research and innovation activities in three areas of intervention:


Through the intervention area "Democracy", research and innovation activities are funded that address the efficiency of democratic systems, political participation and strategies against populism.

  • Call 2021: "Protecting and nurturing democracies"
  • Call 2022: "Reshaping democracies"

Cultural heritage and the Creative Industries

The area of intervention "Cultural Heritage and the Creative Industries" promotes research and innovation on the preservation, protection and enhancement of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

  • Call 2021: Green technologies; financing; innovation promotion; digitalisation
  • Call 2022: Endangered languages; values; perceptions; crafts; music; film; heritage conservation; games; European Bauhaus

Social and Economic Transformations

The funding topics of the area of intervention "Social and Economic Transformations" include new forms of work, the reduction of socio-economic inequalities, and education and training.

  • Call 2021: "Inclusiveness in times of change"
  • Call 2022: "A sustainable future for Europe"

Relevant funding and futher information in German is provided by the "NKS Gesellschaft".

All funding information and procedures on how to apply are on the Funding and Tenders portal of the European Commission.