#wissenlocktmich... to the University of Greifswald

The university takes its civic responsibility seriously and offers events for the general public. Professors and researchers at the university present their research and new results in a variety of formats.

#wissenlocktmich... University with Tradition

The University of Greifswald is one of the oldest universities in Germany and the Baltic Sea Region. Founded in 1456, it is also the oldest Swedish university, as the region was under Swedish reign after the end of the Thirty Years War and up until 1815. Still today, the University is closely tied to the universities of the Baltic Sea Region, and the cultures of the Baltic Sea Region are among its key fields of research. The University has a positive effect on the town and the region. It is a major catalyst for the economic and social development of the region and the state. It shapes and enriches the life and culture in the Hanseatic town with its cultural festivals, international get-togethers, wide-reaching academic communication with the public, and its members’ high levels of active citizenship.

Main Building - Photo: Jan Meßerschmidt
Hauptgebäude der Universität Greifswald, © Jan Meßerschmidt, 2012

#wissenlocktmich is the official hashtag of the University of Greifswald. It is based on the German claim for the University, which is also featured in the logo: Wissen lockt. Seit 1456. This translates in English to ‘The Draw of Knowledge. Since 1456’. Thus, the hashtag can be translated as ‘I’m drawn by knowledge’.