Structure and Components

Structure and Components

Five compulsory modules provide important basic knowledge in the fields of landscape ecology, environmental economics and environmental ethics. Students must take part in international excursions and do a research internship which is designed to help them improve their scientific working skills. 

Students can also customise their study plan according to their interests; there is a variety of elective modules. There are more than 50 modules from the fields of

  • Biology (zoology, botany, microbiology)
  • Landscape ecology and ecosystem dynamics
  • Peatland sciences
  • Environmental economics
  • Environmental ethics
  • Limnology
  • Geography and geology

and others to choose from. Due to capacity limits in some elective modules and because of an inevitable overlap of courses, it is not possible to guarantee every combination of elective modules within the regular length of study for the master’s degree course.

At the end of the degree course, the students will have to write their master's thesis. 


Compulsory Modules

The master’s degree course has the following 5 compulsory modules with a total of 30 ECTS (900 hours):

Code Module
B1 Landscape Ecology and Economics
B2 Ethics and Environment
B3 International Excursion
B4 Research Internship
B5 Personal Profiling

The 4 credits (ETCS) for the module "Personal Profiling" can be freely selected from the courses provided by the University of Greifswald, unless the chosen subject has already been studied during a former degree.

Elective Modules

10 elective modules with a scope of 60 ECTS (1800 hours) must be completed: At least 8 of the chosen modules must be marked, the best 7 modules will count towards the final grade

Code Module
E1 Umweltökonomie
E2 Landnutzung II
E3 Cost Benefit Analysis
E4 Economic Valuation of Natural Resources
E5 Peatland Utilisation
E6 Wissenschaftstheoretische und ethische Aspekte des Naturschutzes
E7 Umweltethische Konzepte und ihre Umsetzung
E8 Botanical Species Conservation 1 (Plant Species Conservation)
E9 Botanical Species Conservation 2 (Population Biology)
E10 Conservation Genetics of Plants 1 (Reproductive Biology)
E11 Conservation Genetics of Plants 2 (Population Genetics)
E12 Experimental Plant Ecology 1
E13 Experimental Plant Ecology 2
E14 Ornithology 1
E15 Ornithology 2
E16 Animal Conservation & Ecology 1
E17 Animal Conservation & Ecology 2
E18 Vegetation Ecology 1
E19 Vegetation Ecology 2
E20 General and Applied Aquatic Ecology
E21 Aquatic Ecology – Summer Course
E22 Conservation and Behaviour 1
E23 Conservation and Behaviour 2
E24 Conservation Genetics 1
E25 Conservation Genetics 2
E26 Aquatische Mikrobiologie 1
E27 Aquatische Mikrobiologie 2
E28 Mikrobielle Ökologie I – Energieflüsse & Stoffkreisläufe
E29 Mikrobielle Ökologie II – Molekulare Ökologie & Interaktionen
E30 Biology of Reproduction in Animals 1 (Behaviour, Mechanisms & Strategies)
E31 Biology of Reproduction in Animals 2 (Behavioural Ecology)
E32 Plant Stress Physiology
E33 Großpraktikum Stressphysiologie der Pflanze
E34 Climate Change
E35 Dendrochronology
E36 Environmental Hydrogeology
E37 Facies Analysis of Glacial Deposits
E38 Quartäre Geoarchive
E39 Geoarchäologie
E40 Paläontologie
E41 Paläoökologie und Evolution
E42 Organismen in Raum und Zeit
E43 Restoration Ecology
E44 Mire Ecology and Regionality
E45 Quaternary Palaeoecology
E46 Peatlands and Palaeoecology
E47 Ecology & Protection of Ecosystems in the Southern Hemisphere & the Tropics
E48 Bodenökologie
E49 Naturräume Osteuropas
E50 Geographische Informationssysteme: Vertiefung
E51 Advanced Field Skills
E52 Projektmanagement
E53 Moderne Fremdsprachen
E54 Internship (externes Berufspraktikum)

Please note: You cannot select a module that you have already taken during your undergraduate degree, unless the contents of the course are significantly different! The latter has to be confirmed by the Examination Board.