Climate and University News

Avoid plastic waste

The university stopped using plastic bin bags in its offices on 30 June 2023. Therefore, please only dispose of paper in the waste bins, the remaining waste is to be separated in the designated bins. What does that mean?

The bicycle is the most popular means of transport for students

University locations in Germany with the highest proportion of surveyed students who regularly cycle to university
University locations in Germany with the highest proportion of surveyed students who regularly cycle to university

Almost 90 per cent of the students in Greifswald use their bikes to get to the university and about 40 per cent walk. Only two percent use public transport. Likewise, only five percent arrive by car or motorbike. The Germany-wide average for cycling is around 34 percent; 30 percent walk and 26 percent arrive at the university by car or motorbike.

This is the result of the 2023 study Residential situation and mobility of students at individual university locations in Germany [de] carried out by the CHE Centre for Higher Education. The data is based on a survey of more than 80,000 students in undergraduate degree programmes in their third subject semester and above. Multiple answers were allowed for the question about the means of transport, which is why the percentages can add up to more than 100 percent.