Obituary for Jacques Delors

The black and white photo is a portrait of Jacques Delors during a speech. The photo is from 1988 Wikimedia CC0
Portrait of Jacques Delors, 1988 Wikimedia CC0
Honorary doctorate being awarded to Jacques Delors in the University's Aula with the former Rector Prof. Zobel in 1994
Honorary doctorate being awarded to Jacques Delors in 1994 © University Archive

Jacques Delors studied law and economics in Paris. He worked at the Bank of France for many years. Although a strong supporter of the trade unions and chiefly a socialist, he was a political advisor to the Gaullist Prime Minister Jacques Chaban-Delmas at the beginning of the 1970s.

Jacques Delors started his political career in 1979 and was elected to the European Parliament as a member of the Socialist Party. Two years later, in May 1981, he was appointed Economics and Finance Minister in François Mitterand’s cabinet, a role which he held until 1984.

Delors reached the pinnacle of his political career when he was appointed President of the European Commission in 1985, which he remained until 1995 - the longest standing period of office. The idea of the European single market was initiated under his leadership; a reform project that significantly advanced European integration after years of stagnation. The European Monetary Union, which was agreed upon in 1992, can also be credited to Delors.

The university’s Faculty of Law and Economics bestowed the title of Honorary Doctor upon Jacques Delors in May 1994. The award honoured his commitment towards the integration of the former GDR in the European Union. This process was on the one hand, essential for the success of the reunification of Germany, and on the other hand, demanding both on political and on legal terms. More than just a handful of people, even in his home country of France, would have preferred a slower route to German reunification. The success of the integration in spite of all the problems can be credited to a large extent to Jacques Delors.

Jacques Delors was an eminent European. The University and Faculty’s thoughts are with his family. We will honour his memory.

Prof. Dr. Katharina Riedel
Rector of the University of Greifswald

Prof. Dr. Claus Dieter Classen
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics

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