Alessandro Zocco (IPP Greifswald): Magnetic Reconnection: from Black Holes to Wendelstein 7-X

Physikalisches Kolloquium

In this talk, I will introduce the concept of magnetic reconnection in plasmas. It will be discussed
in which physical environments magnetic reconnection can occur: form black holes to the laboratory,
passing through magnetic fusion devices. It will be shown how kinetic e ects can be retained in the
quest for a physically reliable description beyond magnetohydrodynamics, for quasineutral [1, 2, 3, 4,
5] and electron-positron plasmas [6, 7]. Finally, the most recent, analytical [8, 9] and computational
[10] studies of magnetic reconnection in Wendelstein 7-X will be presented.

[1] Zocco A and Schekochihin A A 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 102309
[2] Connor J W, Hastie R J and Zocco A 2012 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 035003
[3] Connor J W, Hastie R J and Zocco A 2013 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 55 125003
[4] Zocco A, Loureiro N F, Dickinson D, Numata R and Roach C M 2015 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion
57 065008
[5] Zocco A 2015 Journal Plasma Phys 81 905810402
[6] Chacon L, Simakov A N, Lukin V S and Zocco A 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101(2) 025003
[7] Zocco A 2017 Journal of Plasma Physics 83 715830602
[8] Zocco A, Helander P and Weitzner H 2020 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 63 025001
[9] Zocco A, Mishchenko A and Konies A 2019 Journal Plasma Phys. 85
[10] Zocco A, Mishchenko A, Nuhrenberg C, Konies A, Kleiber R, Borchardt M, Slaby C, Zanini M,
Stange T, Laqua H P, Rahbarnia K, Thomsen H, Wolf R, Helander P, Hatzky R and Cole M D J
2021 Nucl. Fusion 61 086001


  • Physik, Hörsaal

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