
Symbolbild Tastatur

Data Science tools for students of the Life Sciences

The course intends to provide students in life sciences expertise and adequate tools to identify data that are relevant for a research question, and analyze them in a meaningful way. For a reproducible environment, the course will utilize the open-source language package of R on Jupyterhub. Major…



Öffentliche Lesung

Eröffnung des III. Greifswalder Bohemicums „Experitur : Literament. Moderne Lyrik in intermedialer und interkultureller Dimension” mit einer Lesung und anschließendem Autorengespräch mit PhDr. Jaromír Typlt (Autor und Übersetzer, Praha)

Zu sehen sind zwei Hände auf einer Laptoptastatur.

Python from Zero

You don't have any experience with coding, but would like to learn an easy-to-learn programming language? This is then the right course for you! Become a hero(ine) from zero! This course will give an introduction into the versatile and popular programming language Python. Since 1991 when the first…
