Margaret Tali (Tallinn) and Camilla Larsson (Stockholm): Art and Transformations: Complicating Perspectives on Expectations, Remembering and Hope

Ausschnitt Veranstaltungsplakat

Margaret Tali will talk about "Memory, Community, Locality: The Shifting Discourse of Art in the Baltic States". She will outline a recent shift in understanding the ways that art participates in and contributes to processes of history writing in the Baltic context. This shift is related to the diversification of local communities and their differing memories, but also touches upon the imagined audience for art, its relationship to local communities and its memories as well as the self-positioning of artists.She will delineate this shift through selected examples from Baltic art and focus further on the exhibition “My Poland. On Remembering and Forgetting” (2015) at the Tartu Art Museum. The exhibition and the charged international public debates that it generated will serve as my key example in considering the transnational and transcultural implications of this shift on discourses of memory and art. Camilla Larsson will talk about "The Travelling Vardø Seminar in the Sea of “Opportunities”". This talk analyzes the case of the travelling Vardø Seminars, running between 1988-2005, the period leading up to the EU enlargement to the East. It was a grassroot initiative gathering artists, researchers, and critics from the whole Baltic Sea region to share ideas, expectations, and hopes for the future, supported by private actors as well as municipal, state, and intergovernmental funding bodies. Via the Vardø Seminars I will discuss how art events were invested by interests of the Nordic countries that acted with financial support to not only promote free exchange between artists and researchers but had other foreign policy goals on their agenda. The paper will examine how art exhibitions are nodes where different kinds of interests intersect and serve many purposes, and thus unpack how the Sea of “Opportunities” can be understood in several, even contradictory ways.

Chair: Antje Kempe (Greifswald)

The lecture will take place online. If you want to follow the lecture online via Zoom, please contact us at balticsea-eventsuni-greifswaldde

Programm der Vorlesungsreihe / Programme of the lecture series (PDF)

Eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung von: Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO); DFG International Research Training Group "Baltic Peripeties – Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes"; and MA Programme "History and Culture of the Baltic Sea Region" (HiCuBas)

Kontakt / Contact
Bahnhofstr. 51, 17489 Greifswald




  • Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO); DFG “International Research Training Group Baltic Peripeties – Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes”; MA Programme “History and Culture of the Baltic Sea Region” (HiCuBAS)


  • Altes Audimax, Hörsaal 1
    Rubenowstraße 1
    17489 Greifswald

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